Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Latest Painting and Sugar

This is my latest painting. It is hanging near the finished cheesecake painting that I posted when it was in process.(I will post it soon.) It is ironic that my latest paintings are both sugar related at a time that I have finally given up my sugar addiction. I can now walk through the aisles of Valentine"s, St. Patrick's Day and Easter candy with no temptation. Never thought this would happen. I justified my sugar habit away for as long as I knew sugar was bad for me (27 years). The two most profound ideas I heard but denied were 1) sugar is as bad for an addict as heroin 2) sugar will age one's face more than cigarettes.
Someone asked me if hanging these sugar delights would be tempting for me. No, the appeal is now the pretty colors, artistic creation of desserts. I have been thinking a lot about my age, my health etc. lately. I have decided for the moment that it is an inside out job. I am a woman so I reserve the right to change my mind in the future. I haven't even had my first shot of botox. I am afraid that once I start down that path I will let my evil perfectionist pop up and there will be no end to it. Like the days I look in the mirror and think today is the day I need a full face lift. I push those thoughts away usually by walking away from that nasty mirror. I also an continually fine tuning what I put in my body, do with my body and mind so I can't see injecting poison into my face. That being said I am all for anything anyone wants to do to  (within reason) to feel better about themselves. My Libertarian philosophy.
School is finally getting interesting as we are hearing some amazing lectures about American food and disease. I can see Gary's cancer path in full. I am not currently working on any projects as I have a lot going on. They are all good, more exercise, school, friends, women in distress, to name a few. The first thing that goes is a big, creative project but it is good as I am ready to be busier and then learn to balance my life.

1 comment:

  1. I like the painting. Makes me think of truckstop lobbies where they have those giant gumball machines.
