All the stresses in our life are right here right now. About a month ago Gary began being unable to walk on his own. We thought it was the meds he was on but now we know that is not it. They have scanned him from head to toe and haven't found anything. These mystery illnesses are harder to take than what ever known problem is thrown at us. On top of that I go in for surgery to have the tumor removed from my breast next Tuesday. We are both disappointed that Gary can not be my primary caretaker. I am completely burnt out from being my usual way too independent self and trying to everything for both of us. Today is a wonderful day sitting here next to my napping husband while I stare at the ocean.
I fantasize lately about two days at a Spa but for now that is not possible it is just a good fantasy. My perfectionism is improving as once upon a time I would have made myself create to have something to prove that I was okay. The best thing I can creative right now is gentle self care and getting the right help for both of us. What I need right now is a small piece of support from each of our friends and family.
Think of me next Tuesday while I am under the knife and hopefully all will turn out well so I will once again have inspiration to create.
This guy looks like he is laughing, probably at the stupid tourists.
I had the opportunity to visit Tricoter, my favorite knitting store. Too bad it is in Seattle. Brought back lime green silk yarn with silver beads attached. This will be a fun project to create but for now I am ready to go back and paint. After the trip sinks in I believe I have a nature painting in me. For today I am about to hit the paints on an almost completed abstract. I got the confirmation in the mail for a watercolor class I will beginning soon. A dear friend of mine is taking ceramics at the same time so we can car pool and inspire each other for 5 weeks.
We visited eight states and most of what we saw was beautiful. We were above 6000' for the majority of the trip. Other than the ocean most of the gorgeous land is at the higher elevations. Beauty aside four days in Seattle confirms the depths of my city girl.
We played the license plate game and found all fifty states in under 24 hours. Gary was talking about where to go next before I could think of another trip but driving through Tahoe has me ready for summer. For today I am grateful to be home and relax, put my life back in order and spoil my pets. Home is always a great place to visit.
Tomorrow is our one year Anniversary. We still have no plans which works for us. We spend all of our time together and have been spoiled with home cooking and other friends cooking. We had thought about reciting our vows at the beach but then we rented our beach house for the week-end. Now we think we want to spend it with friends instead of a romantic restaurant dinner. I will keep you posted on our plans.
We love to travel and so far haven't missed our international expeditions. The Dr. grounded us from leaving the country so we are trying road trips. We are going to the WA and MT in a few weeks, should be fun. For now we are glad to be home from the unexpected winter trip in our own bed with our clingy pets. Home Sweet Home.
Now that I have Internet access again I will try and post more often. It's that not enough hours in a day thing. Have a wonderful Memorial Day Week-end. We send out love and good thoughts for those we have all have lost.