It is hard to believe Gary's Birthday Party was almost two weeks ago. A lot has gone on since then with Gary's health. Since this is my creative blog and I am unable to create Gary back to perfect health I won't say too much about it other than we have been tested and presented with a lot of big challenges. You can contact me for more details but I want to keep my blog upbeat and about mt creativity. Being creative has never been more important to me as it helps keep me stable on a very rocky ride.

We had a mix of Gary's and my friends who after a relatively short time have become our friends. Since we were still planning on going to Italy the theme was Italian and each place mat was hand painted with a different city we were planning on visiting. I'm sure you have figured out by now that we are not going. Gary's health is our main priority and we need to be here to get him healthy. The food was a five course Italian meal (if you count the birthday cake) and a signature Italian cocktail. We all had a wonderful time and we have a lot of Virgo friends so it was a celebration for many. Our Virgo Alexis was unable to travel due to her recent spine surgery but she was there with is in spirit.I love planning parties and doing the work. Having a theme made it especially fun.

I don't talk about my cats much but this is Bart. Besides being beautiful, he is the most loving mommies boy you could ever meet. He is sitting on top of two of my current knitting projects. He has a sister Prue. She is in the for the food and is quite naughty a lot of the time lately. We love her just as much, her strong point is her ability to entertain us with her constant antics. She is a typical cat that does not believe in people rules. She is warm in a suck up sort of way and quite beautiful also. She has Gary wrapped around her sweet little paw. They both give us so much love and joy. The really help us with our healing process.

This is the latest sweater I made for Gary. I made a sweater for my father in this yarn and will make this sweater again for Gary in blue as soon as the yarn arrives. I have never enjoyed knitting a particular yarn as much as this one and Gary loves this sweater. If it were colder out he would be wearing it every day. I am currently making myself a heavy pale lavender jacket that is both fun and fast on a very large needle.
I have not painted for quite a few weeks now but with the trip canceled I will be starting on my mural soon. I have a lot of nervous energy right now and Gary spends most of his time in bed so knitting is the perfect creative outlet right now. Also we have been spending a lot of time in the chemo ward and I can't drag my paints there.
I make sure I get out and see my friends on a regular basis. I had a wonderful two hour lunch at the Fairmont yesterday with my amazing friend Evelyn. She gave me the coolest bracelet right off her wrist which warmed my heart immensely. She is leaving for a weeks vacation tomorrow and I will miss her a lot. She has walked a similar path to the one I am currently on and always knows exactly what I need.
Amidst the fear and chaos we continue to stay grateful for the goodness in our lives. We are so lucky that we can spend all of our time together. I could not bear leaving Gary everyday to go to work. Our friends all understand that we aren't good at asking for help so they think of ways to make our life easier without us having to ask. Someone is always ready to stay with Gary when I need to go out. It is a relief for me and good for Gary to see and hear someone other than myself. Roy, Mark Sanchez, Evelyn, Julie, Glenn, Bill, my parents (who showed up with a wheelchair for Gary the day he needed it) are the first ones that come to mind. We couldn't pick a better set of friends. Sorry if I left anyone out. I am a bit scatter brained right now. Also I would not be able to create if I wasn't able to get some time alone every once in a while. We love all of you and all the rest of our friends that do their fair share also. We are blessed. Nothing makes Gary happier than to see me creating. He is so proud of me and I call him my muse. Guess I got off the track a bit but I have a lot swirling around in my little brain right now.
I wish I could promise to post more regularly. Fortunately I know I should be writing at times but get too wrapped up in projects and that is a good thing.
Many thanks to all our friends and family just for loving us.
Thank you Laurie for your loving posts and blog. It really helps. Hugs to your both, Marcia