Sunday, April 25, 2010

Warm, Wonderful Sunday

Today has been a special day for me. I got to hang out with a friend I have known most of my life but don't see too often. I realize we have even more in common now in our 50's than we did at 7, 13, 40. It warms my heart like today's 80 degree sun. Also, someone new to show off my wonderful husband to.

Even though I have been absent from my blog for a while, I am still creating. I had a lot of real life things to do this week like support Gary through a bone scan and meet his new Oncologist. (Yuck.) I thought that when I started my blog, admitted I has painting etc. that I would be able to create away to my heart's content. I dislike being an adult at times and yet I am proud of myself for having a positive impact on someone else's life.

Wednesday was so cold and rainy that it really affected me. Hard to believe I lived in Seattle for so long. I have had enough winter so I really appreciate the summer like weather, being outside, getting some exercise. I've had a pot of spaghetti sauce cooking for 24 hours. My timing looks a little off.

I mentioned that my current painting looks like my old knitting. These are examples of both. Knitting needles in my hands feel so natural, surrounding myself with paint uplifts me in a way that my other creative outlets do not. I am looking forward to finishing this painting and seeing what comes next.

1 comment:

  1. They need to add another option such as "beautiful". Your work is gorgeous and inspiring.
