This is my work area at our beach house. It is at this wall window looking out at the ocean. Almost too beautiful to do anything but stare out at the beach.
Yesterday I spent most of the day working on a large abstract and then we drove out to our beach house. We haven't been here much the summer so to wake up here today was spectacular. It was supposed to rain last night but it did not and we had a beautiful sunny morning. After our coffee we walked on the beach and always stop at the spot on the beach where we got married. Gary mentioned how lucky we are to be able to return to the spot we got married at whenever we want.
We came home and I began working on the layout of our wall. I am doing the drawing in watercolor pencils, one of my favorite mediums. I worked for hours and then we decided to go blading/biking.
For those of you that know Pajaro Dunes, it has an amazing beach, unique arcitechture and great wildflowers. Not as entertaining as our bike/blades last week on Venice Beach but certainly a lot more peaceful. The weather was great, not too hot or too cold, lots of fresh air. Buying new rollerblades this year was one of the best purchases I have made with possibly the exception of Christian Louboutins. It's a tie and hard to compare.
I have wanted a specific personalized license plate for almost ten years and have not gotten around to ordering them. I tried to get my plate an Art plate but was not able to. It came to me that I might be able to get it on a regular personalized plate and hurray, I found it. In the excitement of playing on the DMV website Gary decided he wanted plates also so we ordered his and then the website would not let me go back and order mine. Looks like I will have to deal directly with the DMV and that is the only reason today is only nearly perfect.
Tonight we are going to eat at The Whole Enchilada. I have been thinking about their wonderful food since we left our house to come out here yesterday.
Being at the beach after not coming here for a while is one of those things that makes one think, why don't we do this more often? I am actually looking forward to rainy days here in the winter. The light is always great at the big window and I can create away while sitting almost on the ocean. Today Gary was puttering around the house which made my heart happy. At home I am always the busy one so it is nice to see him so happy here.
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