Friday, February 1, 2013

From Cream Puffs to Kale Snacks

Yes, it has been a very long time since my last post. A lot has happened or possibly not too much has happened. I am slowly moving out of the fog of grief into a new life.
I decided on the title as the only other food post I have done was about the day I made cream puffs from scratch. Like many things in my life I am in a totally different place.
For years I have been working on food, my health, how they work together. I have been able to give up a lot of foods that don't work for me but always in denial about the "sugar thing". After being sugar free for a while I made the mistake of baking for the holidays and it was amazing to see the addictive behavior I had around it. 27 years ago I heard how bad it was for the first time and buried the information. 15 years ago my personal trainer, an N.D. student tried to get through to me by telling me sugar will age one faster than cigerettes.Not even the vanity scare worked  Enough on the evils of sugar except to say I made it through my birthday without so much as a bite of cake. 1st of 57. More about kalish stuff.
I am going to school for holistic nutrition. Not clear on where I want to go with it but I do love to cook and am more and more aware of health as I am aging (yuck!). This isn't the first time I have been faced with "what do I want to do when I grow up?". This is a good starting place for me. I want to use my blog to help myself figure things out. Who knows what I will be posting about but I will post. I am also do the Artist Way again so these tools along with other things should help.
I am still painting. Took a few sculpture classes since I last was in touch. A friend said my life is like one big art project. I have been making cards. Always knitting.Still love fashion, high heels, jewelery. I will post photos of some of the things I have created since I last used my site, probably unrelated to the post. I like posts better with photos being the visual girl that I am.
Hope you aren't sick of the stops and starts and will follow my blog again.
I bought the domain name but it is too much work to convert to .com for now. More soon.

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